Older Trees Grow Faster

Older Trees Grow Faster

Written by Admin and published on https://youngzine.org/. It turns out that as a slew of tree species age, they grow faster and gobble up more carbon dioxide than when they were younger, according to a study published last week (January 15) in Nature. The findings,...
How to Improve the Quality of Your Trees

How to Improve the Quality of Your Trees

Written by NEA Member Benefits and published on https://arbormagic.com. The trees on your property offer a wide array of benefits. An individual tree can add up to 10 percent on your property’s value, and when you landscape using trees, it can increase your home’s...
Mulch Matters – So Do it Right!

Mulch Matters – So Do it Right!

Written by NEA Member Benefits and published on http://cvhomemag.com/ Mulch can be frustrating. As a tool for nourishing your trees, or dressing up your landscape, you can’t beat it. But, as Charleston tree expert Rawson Services often sees, too much is too much....

What Kills Trees Quickly

Written by Ticara Gailliard and published on https://www.hunker.com/. Trees are typically prized within landscapes for their attractive appearance and sometimes for the shade or fruit they provide. When a tree is diseased, unattractive, invasive, has outgrown the site...
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